Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Happenings in the Garden

Take a walk with me through the gardens:
Primrose is blooming beautiful and the Knockout Roses are all budded out. 
 This is going to be full of Purple Coneflowers.  I can't wait for them to start blooming.  The birds deposited all kinds of seeds in the front bed between the walkway and the stone wall and the back area between the purple bush (can't remember if it's a cherry or plum) and the crab apple tree is full as well.  It's going to be gorgeous when in bloom.
 I bought two of these clearance roses last year at Home Depot, lost one but this one is happy, happy!
Siberian Iris popping at the seams.  I really need to divide them but man, is that a job.  Last time I had to use an axe to get them divided after digging some out, which was not an easy task.  It's exhausting.  Some day it'll have to happen, probably not this season.
 One of the berms out front is having some bug issues.  I haven't sprayed yet but I'm going to have to.  This plant is a purple coneflower, yet its pretty much unrecognizable and completely eaten. 
Here's one of the little buggers.  This is another plant in the same flowerbed, at the opposite end.  Gotta get rid of these critters before they completely destroy this bed and move on to another.
 It seems a little early but I've got a few Purple Coneflowers already in bloom.
We also got the "water works" up and running this weekend.  I just love the sound of running water.
I know I've said it before and I probably will again and again, but I just love perennials.  I like for my gardens to kind of "sprawl" all over.  Not so orderly and I tend to let them grow wherever they pop up.  Here's another example of "babies" that I'm just gonna let grow and fill in.  I almost pulled them while weeding until I realized, "I think that's a balloon flower" and sure enough, I've got a handful of babies popping up in my front flowerbed.  Thank you little birdies!

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