Tuesday, September 29, 2015

12 Adorable Cookie Tin DIY's and A Free How-To

A few years ago my mother and I took off on a driving trip to Florida, stopping along the way at every Antique Mall and thrift store we could find.

Boy did we ever have fun!  Although my love affair with tin hadn't started yet, mom's was in full swing.

Last summer we took another trip, this time to Bead 'N Button in Milwaukee.  It was here that I completely fell in love with tin and began to see the many possibilities for creative expression.

All those tins my mother bought on our road trip were cut down and turned into adorable Christmas tree ornaments.  The Hershey's cocoa tin pendant pictured is one of those ornaments that she made into a necklace for me.  Isn't it cute?

Do you make jewelry or other handmade items and are you looking for easy, inexpensive ways to gain clientele and sell your items.  For my top 4 "Quick And Easy Ways To Gain Clients" and a subscription to my "Cheat Sheet PostCard Series" subscribe here.

Here are a variety of adorable tin projects to inspire your own creativity using cookie tins:
How cute.

Love this tin tower.  Used here for K-cups but could be used for a variety of storage solutions.

Holiday Decoration, could be used year round with a little tweaking.

Follow the link for even more great tin up-do's (some repeats, sorry about that).
Tin Bracelet.  Yes, Please!
The link leads to a wonderful Etsy shop full of adorable, unique lighting.  Really cute stuff.
The possibilities are endless.

Another cute Etsy shop full of birdhouses made from recycled items.  Great stuff!

Beautifully turned into jewelry.  She has many more designs if you follow the link and teaches classes in the Seattle area and online.

This is my little tabletop tree in the boys loft from last Christmas.

Here is one of my first projects using tin, I really love how it turned out.  You can find a Free Tutorial on how to make this cute little guy here, Tin Whale Pendant.

Have you made anything out of tins?  If so, I'd love to see your handi-work.  Feel free to share!

Also, have you thought about easy ways to market and sell your handmade items.  For my top 4 "Quick And Easy Ways To Gain Clients" and a subscription to my "Cheat Sheet PostCard Series" subscribe here


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