Saturday, February 21, 2015

Art Challenge 2015- Card 7

Week 7 has been a great week.  I started a 21 Day Art Journaling Challenge the first of the week.  So, for this weeks card I used the front side to give samples of my first 7 days.  Nice way to combine both challenges into one.
If you've not followed along, here's the initial challenge post and if you follow by the label #ArtChallenge2015 you'll find each weeks post all in one place.  Now, for this weeks card.
Here's the front:
If you scroll down to the bottom I'll have pictures of my first seven days for the 21 day journaling challenging.  It's been wonderful!  If you're interested, here's a link to join in,
And the back:
We had our first real snow on Monday.  It was great.  About 7" of wintery goodness. 
Here's the first seven days of the 21 Day Art Journaling Challenge
Day 1- A Day In Your Life
I did "windows" giving a little peek into the things that take up my days.
Day 2- Faces
I don't draw faces.  I'm awful at it.  I opted to do two profiles, one side lists the positives and the other the negatives, the ways I've viewed myself over the years, and the hearts represent getting to know and accept yourself for who you are.  It's taken me quite a while to figure that out.
Day 3- Zentangle
First try at that.  Very therapeutic
Day 4- Sing A Song
This is my take on the sounds of spring, I love falling asleep to the sound of the frogs chirping and the big ole bull frog's croaking.  Favorite time of the year.
Day 5- Letters
For this challenge I chose to make copies of a few of my husband's letters to me and a mother's day card from my boys.  Wonderful memories.
Day 6- Selfie
Again, I chose to take the round-about way to get to a "selfie".  The more I thought about it, the more it became apparent that I should do a family tree.  My mom's hair and eyes, dads chin, face shape and many of his personality traits, grandma's ditziness and sweet nature, the other's tenacity.  Grandpa's love of gardening and nature.  After all, I am a product of all these people, not only genetics but the influences they've had on me over the years, for good and for bad.
Day 7- Books
I love all the artsy-fartsy things people are making from book pages.  I have a lot of condensed books from the 50's that you can't hardly give away so I thought I'd do my own version of "art".  I also added a list of some of my favorite authors.  I am working ahead so I'm not even sure what the challenge truly is for this day so who knows, I might change it up just a little once I find that out (should know in the morning).
Can't wait to see what the next couple weeks bring.  It's been great so far!
If you'd like to join in it's still be offered.  Check it out at

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